Anticoagulant Therapy Clinic

Our Outpatient Pharmacy Clinic is staffed by experienced consulting pharmacists who have worked with thousands of patients receiving anticoagulant therapy.

Our anticoagulant clinic team works in partnership with the ordering physician/provider to ensure the patient's anticoagulant therapy is as safe and effective as possible. Services are available for patients taking warfarin (Coumadin) as well as direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), such as Eliquis, Pradaxa, Xarelto and Savaysa.

During the initial visit to the Outpatient Pharmacy Clinic, the pharmacist will spend about 30 minutes with the patient reviewing their medical history and discussing the risks, benefits and purposes of anticoagulant therapy and answering questions.

After the initial visit, appointments will last about 15 minutes. The frequency of visits will depend upon which medication has been prescribed for you; the reason for the therapy; medical history; and other factors. Generally speaking, patients taking warfarin will be seen more often; those taking DOACs require less frequent visits.

Depending upon location, patients may be seen in person or via a secure, private telehealth visit.

Services are recommended for individuals who have:

  • atrial fibrillation (Afib) or valve replacement
  • pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • certain vascular conditions
  • or those with a genetic disorder that causes hypercoagulability, such as Factor V Leiden.

Patients are seen by physician/provider referral, typically within seven days of referral.

King's Daughters Outpatient Pharmacy Clinic has locations throughout our region. For more information, please call (606) 408-6000 in Kentucky or(740) 237-4930 in Ohio.

Our clinics are designed to give you one-to-one attention every time you visit. To achieve this highly personalized level of service, we request all patients be seen by appointment. This helps ensure we have sufficient time to conduct testing, analyze results, answer questions, and explain necessary medication adjustments.

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