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Nursing Boot Camp applications now open

Nursing Boot Camp applications now open

Do you know a high school junior or senior who has expressed an interest in nursing? UK King's Daughters free Nursing Boot Camp on Wednesday, June 4 is a perfect opportunity for them to experience nursing firsthand.

Participants will be able to explore various careers and specialties in nursing; learn about the educational paths to nursing; and gain awareness of the academic, personal and technical skills needed to be a nurse.

Boot camp participants will not provide patient care.

Boot camp is open to current high school juniors and seniors, age 16 and older. Parent/guardian must provide written consent for participants under the age of 18.

For more information about Nursing Boot Camp, please contact Sasha Riley, MSN, RN, Learning Services, at ext. (606) 408-0102. Applications are due no later than 8 a.m. Monday, May 19.

The interactive application can be downloaded here.