King’s Daughters offering restaurant workers special vaccine clinic

King’s Daughters offering restaurant workers special vaccine clinic

King’s Daughters Medical Center in Ashland is offering local restaurant workers COVID-19 vaccinations at a time and location that should suit the schedules of this diverse community. The vaccinations will take place in the dining area of the Russell McDonald’s. All restaurant workers may walk in for their vaccinations and no appointments are required.

The local McDonald’s management team offered the location for the vaccinations. The dining area has been closed to the public for the majority of the pandemic.

  • Wednesday, June 16
  • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Russell McDonald’s
  • 150 Russell Rd.
  • Ashland, Ky. (near the turn for Route 5)

To date, King’s Daughters has provided more than 73,000 vaccinations to our communities.