Visitor Policy Update: Friday, Dec, 4, 2020

As communities across our region continue to experience a surge in COVID-19 cases, it has become necessary for King’s Daughters to adjust visitor restrictions; effective Friday, Dec. 4; however, these are subject to change.

We understand and value the important role visitors play in healthcare. However, the increasing spread of COVID-19 makes these restrictions absolutely necessary to the health and safety of our patients, providers and team members. Your cooperation and support are greatly appreciated.

All individuals are required to properly wear a mask or face covering at all times while in our facilities. No one under the age of 18 is permitted unless they are the patient. If you have concerns or questions about this, please call your provider’s office to discuss other options.

Emergency Department

  • The patient may be escorted to registration/triage by one person.
  • Once checked in, if the patient’s symptoms are high risk for COVID-19 or if the patient has had a high-risk exposure, the patient escort will return to their vehicle to wait further information. Please ensure the patient escort has a mobile phone to receive communications from the emergency staff.
  • If a patient presents with an illness or injury that is determined to be at low-risk for COVID-19, one visitor will be permitted in the treatment area. Patient escorts/visitors will not be allowed in the waiting room.
  • Exceptions may be made for pediatric patients and those with cognitive or physical limitations on a case-by-case basis.
  • Once the care plan is established (Emergency treatment, admission, discharge), additional instructions will be given to the patient escort depending on the treatment plan.

Physician Office Visits

  • For physician office visits, patients are asked to come alone unless absolutely necessary.
  • If a patient is able to attend to their appointment unassisted, the patient escort will be asked to wait in their vehicle.
  • Patients may include a person in the visit via telephone; please ensure the patient has the proper phone number if this is desired.
  • Masks are required in physician offices.
  • We request that all well/routine visits take place virtually when possible. Our scheduling team can assist with making these arrangements.

King’s Daughters Ashland Campus inpatient restrictions

  • When a patient is admitted, only one person may be designated as the “visitor” for the entire stay. You may not rotate guests.
  • isiting hours are limited to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. No visitors before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m.
  • Masks must be worn by visitors and caregivers even when in the patient room.
  • On a case-by-case basis, an essential caregiver may be designated for additional hours. Hospital staff will make the determination if assistance is essential to the patient’s well-being and recovery. Exceptions will be very limited.
  • Patients staying in our Mother/Baby Unit may have one adult caregiver throughout their stay. Pediatric patients may have two, but only one person at a time. No children are allowed.
  • End-of-life care or other serious situations will be given special consideration.
  • Inpatient visitors/caregivers must enter through:
    • Parkview Patient Tower 1 (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday) or
    • Parkview Patient Tower 2 (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily)
    • All visitors must successfully complete a viral screening prior to admittance.
    • Visitors must be 18 or older to enter.
    • Approved visitors will be issued a printed badge or armband that must be worn at all times.

Same Day Surgery

  • Patients are to be dropped off at the designated entrance and time. The patient’s escort will wait in the vehicle until the patient is ready for discharge.
  • Please ensure the patient escort has a mobile phone to receive communications from the surgical staff.
  • Following surgery, the patient escort will be called with an update, including dismissal process instructions. The patient escort may be asked to meet the patient in the dismissal area or report to Same Day Surgery for post-surgical care instructions.
  • Exceptions will be made for pediatric patients and those with cognitive or physical limitations on a case by case basis.

Outpatient Testing (Lab, radiology, etc.)

  • Outpatients are asked to come alone unless absolutely necessary.
  • If a patient is able to attend to their appointment unassisted, the patient escort will be asked to wait in their vehicle.
  • Masks are required in physician offices.
  • We request that all well/routine visits take place virtually when possible. Our scheduling team can assist with making these arrangements.

The following is general guidance on when to seek care.

  • If you are sick and feel you have an emergency: Call your doctor or seek medical care immediately. Call 9-1-1 if appropriate. If you have a fever, cough, or another sign/symptom of COVID-19, or are unsure what to do, please call our CARE 24/7 line at (606) 408-8999. For COVID-19 testing you must have an appointment to be tested, regardless of location. To schedule an appointment, please call (606) 408-COVD (2683).