Vascular screening may help diabetics avoid amputation

Vascular screening may help diabetics avoid amputation

More than half of all lower limb amputations in the U.S. result from complications of diabetes.

Diabetes affects virtually every part of the body, including the circulatory system. High blood sugar levels make the blood “sticky,” causing it to clot more readily and adhere to plaque buildup inside artery walls.

Combine sticky blood with narrowed arteries in the lower legs, feet and toes, and you've got a perfect recipe for wounds that don’t heal, become infected and require extreme measures to prevent further tissue death.

Prevention is one of the best ways to ensure this doesn’t happen to you or someone you love … and King’s Daughters is here to help with our Vascular Disease Screening program. The program includes a test for poor circulation in the lower extremities as well as ultrasounds of the arteries in the neck and the abdomen. The ultrasounds check for blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the brain and for weaknesses in the main artery that supplies blood to the lower half of the body.

They tests are painless, take about 30 minutes and cost just $80 total.

If you’re diabetic, or you’ve experienced any symptoms of poor circulation in your feet and legs (such as very little or no hair growth on the legs, wounds that heal slowly, pain when you walk that goes away when you rest), we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this important screening.

The next Vascular Disease Screening is this Friday, April 21, at our Prestonsburg office. Appointments are available beginning at 9 a.m. To schedule, please call us at 1-888-377-KDMC anytime. A physician referral is not needed. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. The screening is eligible for Health Spending Account reimbursement.