Heart patient praises care at KDMC

  • Category: Blog, Heart, News
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Erin Bounds

Last year, Harold Pack of Portsmouth underwent open heart surgery at King’s Daughters. Recently, he sent a letter to President/CEO Kristie Whitlatch in praise of the care and attention he and his family received while there. He consented to share his story.

To All Doctors and Staff of KDMC:

Friday, August 14, 2015. Dr. (Zane) Darnell was to perform a “routine” heart cath on me. But, routine it was not. The cath showed an imminent possibility of total blockage of the main artery (excuse my inaccurate and non-medical descriptions, but the gist is easily understood). Dr. Darnell consulted with Dr. (Eric) Bronstein. They wisely concurred that an immediate two-way bypass was absolutely necessary. Without hesitation, “the team” was called in.

I remember snippets of the next day and a half. But, I knew that all would be fine. Two things happened to make me so assured.

One, as the three ladies were prepping me, I had a déjà vu experience. I had, in a dream, seen the scenario as it was happening now in real time. Thus, I knew that I was divinely meant to be there at that time.

Secondly, “the team” was available on short notice. Let me expand. Being a Friday, the Heart ICU staff had to be called in. They were not only available but seemed totally committed and not “put out” to be there on their day off. Also, the anesthesiologist that Dr. Bronstein wanted (I do not remember his name) happened to be in Huntington and could be at KDMC within a short time. Luck? No divine providence!

Anxiety encompasses the family mainly from not knowing what may happen. Not knowing how a procedure is to be performed, what is transpiring during the procedure, or what stage of the procedure the patient is in, manifests into fear.

The doctors and staff not only explained what was to happen but also explained why such and such was to happen. Even down to the purpose of a simple injection.

My wife, Candy, was constantly informed, by a nurse, during each stage of the procedure of my status and progress. Candy said that the visual display monitor was reassuring and informative. She was offered not only food and drink but tender consultation as well.

I wish to thank the entire staff, food service, housekeeping, nurses, etc. of KDMC for being there. A facility such as yours is depended upon by each individual. As in a beautiful necklace, each link supports the others.

I especially want to thank those that were in direct contact with me and my family. And above all, my family and I wish to thank Dr. Bronstein and his staff, Dr. Darnell and his staff, and “the team.” God has more for me to do. And you have given me more time to do His will.

Thank you,

Harold T. Pack