KDMC Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group sponsors Memories Tree

Christmas treeThe Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group at King’s Daughters Medical Center invites those who have experienced the loss of a child in pregnancy or infancy to place an ornament with their child’s name on the Memories Tree.

The Memories Tree and ornaments will be available through the month of December in the Chapel at King’s Daughters. There is no charge to participate.

Individuals who wish to keep their ornaments can pick them up in the Chapel by Dec. 31.

About the Support Group

The Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group will meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the KDMC Health Education Center (lower level of the Lexington Avenue parking facility). New members are always welcome.

For more information about the group or the Memories Tree at King’s Daughters, contact Cathie Whitt at (606) 408-2152 or via email at Cathie.Whitt@kdmc.kdhs.us.